CRM software is designed to help businesses extract information from existing data sets in order to manage B2B and B2C relationships. In today’s competitive reality, CRM solutions provide the much needed insight on business opportunities and measurement of business performance through automated processes. Whether you need an on-premises or a cloud-based installation, iteam has the experience and the know-how to provide you with the right solution. Our consultants will help you choose what’s best for your business needs; They will take into account your specifications and technical requirements and they will address those needs through parametization and personalization. As a result, you will be provided with a stable, scalable and secure system.
We know CRM…
Over the years, we have successfully implemented projects for large organizations in the Greek market; Through well-established workflows, end-users were able to assess our work through deliverables. The seamless integration and interconnection with other business applications (i.e. ERP, etc) ensure that your customer relationship management system will not become an overloaded archive of data, but a useful and easy to use tool for the marketing and sales department.
What we do…
Our business and technical consultants have a long and well established experience in all popular software. We have implemented projects using the following platforms:
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Oracle Siebel and
- Oracle CustomerCX
- Oracle ServiceCloud
- Oracle SalesCloud
- Oracle MarketingCloud
We do ERP too…
Using the most complete and contemporary ERP platform in the world (Oracle eBusiness Suite) and having extended experience in the development, parameterization and optimization of enterprise procedures, we offer:
- Transparency – Delivery of Enterprise Information
- Control – Invigoration of the Commercial and Financial control processes
- Effectiveness – Enhancement of entrepreneurial processes and decrease of costs.
Oracle’s ERP (Oracle eBusiness Suite) automates and simplifies all entrepreneurial procedures and provides the base for straight growth and effective management.